...for the last time, as I held your hand. It was a beautifully warm sunny morning in the home we made over 24 years, "riding weather" you always called it. All the pain, immobility, and embarrassment was gone, and you peacefully drifted away out of reach. The past 13 months disappeared in that moment, and we were able to just be, you and I."
My brave and tireless husband of 24 years, Don, passed away on March 19, 2020 at 11:03am. He was surrounded by myself and Jenni (his 2 wives) and Meg, his daughter by blood. Family and friends had made extended pilgrimages in those days before the coronavirus shut things down. But not enough got the opportunity to say good-bye. Even now, we are not allowed to gather to celebrate a truly fine man's life. Not yet. But be assured his life will be celebrated in the way he wanted, with the people he wanted, in the area of the world he most loved.
I will continue to carry on his legacy along with Jenni, my wife/submissive/girl of 12 years. We are a proud, hard-working family, so asking for help doesn't come easily. However, we are being slammed by medical bills for the treatments that didn't help; the coronavirus has shuttered my business temporarily; and I have managed to tear my left shoulder that underwent total joint replacement surgery December 2018 (course of action TBD yet). So, Jenni and I have decided to ask for your help in creating a successful Go Fund Me campaign to collect monies to pay medical bills, pay for cremation expenses and to help us during a lean time as we get used to our new normal, 2 incomes as opposed to the 3 we had before March 2019. Please donate, no amount is too small. You may donate anonymously, too.
Thank you in advance, especially during these trying times of social distancing and imposed isolation. As donations come in, we feel more and more supported, and we realize just how vast our support network really is, a giant net of love and encouragement. We are so grateful to you all.
Miss Chris & Jenni Mack
Very sad for your loss