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Join date: Apr 30, 2022


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Dear Miss Chris,

I've been a musician most of my life and spent 13 of those years as an RN. I am disabled and wheelchair dependent, but I can stand for limited periods as long as my chair is nearby. I'm a good candidate for an over-your-lap in bed situation. I have been following you for many years and I just love everything about you. Maybe someday I'll have the opportunity to spend some time with you, I just hope I have the intestinal fortitude to take a good hand spanking with some major verbal chastisement that only you can provide. I have so many scenarios that I would love to act out and they're all true. Pretty isolated her in Emporia, Kansas (OZ as I call it). I live in the old castle that once was the College of Emporia, which is where L. Frank Baum said the Wizard of Oz went to college.

I cannot find a local female spanking partner for the life of me. It sucks, but I'm staying positive. Please take good care of yourself and stay safe. Thousands of behinds depend of you. LOL!



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